The Future is Bright

I have to admit that when I signed up for this course, I thought that it was going to be an easy GPA booster at the 4000 level and would have no effect on my knowledge and as a person. I was happily mistaken. This class has opened my eyes to a whole new world of psychological methods that I never would have thought existed. I would even go as far as saying that PSYC 4850 was one of the most interesting classes I have taken in university. The reason for this is because of the structure of the course. This class truly gives students freedom over their education and allows them to expand on any areas of interest that they have. It doesn’t matter if you are interested in statistics or criminal psychology, the freedom of choice is up to you. Not only that but this class has helped me pinpoint some underlying issues around research methods in general as well as interesting streams of research that are present in the field of psychology that I may not have learned while taking any courses that are specialized to one area of the discipline.


I am extremely grateful that I had the opportunity to take this class with all of you. Many people say that university is about getting a degree and getting out. This may be a part of it but it is not the main aspect of why we go to university. Another cliché saying comes to mind when I think of this class and university in general. The saying is “It is not what you know but who you know”. I am proud to tell my friends that I was in this class with the visionaries and academics of tomorrow. The connections made in this course and others in our degrees will help us all change the world for the better. We shouldn’t be competing against each other as we go through our careers in post secondary. We should be working together to help educate ourselves and others about important theories and issues and this class have given us all the opportunity to do this.


Thank you all for your comments and insights into my blogs (even though some of them were rushed because of the lateness of my blog posts most of the time). Even though they were made in a time crunch, all of them were extremely interesting to read and broadened my educational horizons in psychology research. I wish you all the best of luck in finishing your university undergraduates as well as any graduate pursuits that you may have. Study hard, make as many connections as you can, and enjoy every step of the way because it will not last forever. I leave you with one of my favorite quotes that I think about everyday to keep me going. “Live the dream always. If you are not living the dream than you are not living at all.”

Happy Holidays


  1. brendawn · November 28, 2015


    I enjoyed your blogs this semester and always tried to find something to add to the conversation in my comments. I am happy you chose the topic you did because otherwise I would never have seen the potential for social media in the area of research.

    I agree that this course presented us with ways of learning and engaging with one another without feeling like we were in constant competition. I am happy to say I made new friends in this class and that you were one of them! Thanks for sticking it out all semester with us girls, and Jesse of course, you`re a trooper!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. janaenahirney · December 1, 2015

    Hi Koleton,

    I found your blogs throughout the semester really thought-provoking. Looking through some of my old comments I realize now how random they were. A lot of your topics would make me think of something loosely related to what you wrote about, and I’d just run with it. It’s great that the course is structured like this, it gives us the opportunity and freedoms research what we’re interested in, teach our classmates, come up with new ideas and write our thoughts on each other’s blogs without fear of negative consequences. We all have really had the opportunity to take a fantastic class this semester, and find out what it’s like to REALLY learn, teach, and research!

    Liked by 1 person

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